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Samantha Rocha


Samantha Rocha

Law Office Manager
About Samantha

Samantha has over 20 years of family law experience. She has been assigned many of MFLG’s most complex and high-profile matters. Since Samantha has demonstrated such care to clients, assists on sensitive and often volatile issues, she elevated to our most senior paralegal. It is her knowledge and understanding of the firm’s mission and standards that Samantha was entrusted to transition to MFLG’s Law Office Manager. Her extensive background as a Paralegal helps her to support, relate, understand, and direct the paralegal team.

Samantha is an Advanced Certified Paralegal through NALA and a California Certified Paralegal through CAPA. Additionally, she has her Master of Science degree in Legal Studies. She strives to provide excellent and relevant service to all clients. Samantha is an active board member of Inland Counties Paralegal Association, member of NALA, and is a board member of the Commission for Certification of California Paralegals.

Samantha loves coffee, books, and all things Disney. When not working, she can be found spending time with her family.

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